As an entrepreneur with strong interest in digital solutions that affect everyday life, i would like to understand how customers react when they first make contact with a new product or service. This is essentially to understand what trigger the initial adopters of new technology in public services.

For instance, in the local public transport sector in the city of Stockholm, my observation over a period of about 10years has shown a steady rate of service delivery improvement both in the payment and card issuing system. It has been interesting how the various improvements have been adopted over the years and in my opinion these has led to great improvement in service delivery. But how does early adoption happens? especially while the old system was not broken.


2 thoughts on “MODULE 4 (#1) EXPECTATIONS

  1. Hi! Interesting example. I believe that there are always some people that are passionate about technology that will be the ones being the early adopters. They find it interesting and fun to try, meanwhile some others “like it the way it has always been”. It might be a struggle in the beginning for the early adopters since they need to learn the new system and it will not be as convenient as before, I believe that this “struggle” and the step to get to the new technology has to be minimised in order to gain many customers fast.


  2. Surely, there is a challenge in using the correct customer interraction to communicate with early adapters compared to laggards. Here, correct or incorrect communication might lead to co-creation or co-destruction of value.


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